Black Mac is the very substance that your asphalt pavement is made from. Which is a petroleum and oil based product, therefore when applied by method of high pressured sprayer to your asphalt driveway or parking lot, it does not just merely paint the top but rather penetrates (stains) the surface going deep into your asphalt, restoring its life, color, and aesthetics's, as well as giving it the protection and restoring your asphalt’s pavement to extend the life of it.
, we are the business you are the boss and with that being said we only use the highest quality commercial grade sealer on the market. its called Black Mac. Here at asphalt kings we don't cut corners we seal them. we provide customers with truth, honesty, reliability, professionalism and over 15 years of experience in asphalt restoration if you have questions we have the answers and would love to take care of your driveway or parking lot for years to come.